Empowerment Trust

Auckland, Nelson, Online
All year round

NZ Centre of Kidpower International

Safe learning experiences for adults and young people to take positive effective action to avoid or stop bullying, abuse and violence. Skill building, hands-on, positive practices act as a catalyst for change. The Kidpower approach increases protective factors and reduces risk factors for potential victims AND perpetrators of all types of violence (including sexual violence) by providing strategies, awareness, and skills to prevent potentially violent situations from escalating and getting out of control, build healthy relationships, and navigate conflict without aggression.

Some great courses are available and some are free. The courses are delivered via training, workshops and webinars. Course titles include ‘Fullpower Healthy Relationships for Teens and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities’, ‘Protecting Kids from Sexual Abuse Without Scaring Them’, and ‘Fullpower for Seniors’. There’s loads of potentially life-changing info on their website: topics include ‘De-escalation’, ‘Safe, Healthy & Respectful Relationships’ and so much more. Check out the dates and times of current courses on the training tab to learn more.


Some free

For more info visit:

Empowerment Trust



Services available for people with diverse physical, cognitive, developmental, and neurological abilities.

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Matariki 2024

Observed 29/06/24

Matariki is a time where people, whānau, and communities gather together to remember the year that has passed, to celebrate the present, and to plan for the next year. It is a time to remember our loved ones who are no longer with us, to feast and celebrate with our relatives and friends, and to look towards the future and the hope of a season full of bounty.

The Alembics Lab 

All year round

Designed for anyone who wants to learn the practical skills of distillation and extraction. The online Foundation courses are the gateway to working with natural flavour and aroma. The specialised courses will elevate your skills and enhance your practice. In person courses also available

Auckland Swords Club

Wednesday nights

You've seen sword fighting in the movies, think Zorro and pirates - what about giving it a go? Increase your fitness and learn a very fancy new skill. Elegant!

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